Religious Education at Wellfield
The Religious Education curriculum at Wellfield aims to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions. Teaching encourages pupils to enter into a rich discourse about the religious and non-religious traditions that have shaped Great Britain and the world.It enables pupils to take their place within a diverse multi-religious and multi-secular society. It affords pupils both the opportunity to see the religion and non-religion in the world, and the opportunity to make sense of their own place in that world. It includes 3 broad types of knowledge: first, ‘substantive’ knowledge: knowledge about various religious and non-religious traditions ; second, ‘ways of knowing’: pupils learn ‘how to know’ about religion and non-religion ; third, ‘personal knowledge’: pupils build an awareness of their own presuppositions and values.
Teachers at Wellfield know good Religious Education teaching happens when:
- Pupils will participate in discussions by contributing and listening to the ideas/opinions of others
- Lessons allow pupils to answer ‘big questions’
- Skills from other curriculum areas are utilised (particularly reading and writing)
- Lessons build on prior learning and allow pupils to know more and remember more
- Subject specific vocabulary is learned and used by pupils
- Pupils are using a range of skills eg; interpretation, analysis, evaluation etc