
English at Wellfield

English teaching at Wellfield aims to enthuse and inspire a love of English through an engaging and challenging curriculum that will instil a lifelong love of reading and writing and will equip children with the English skills that they will need to succeed in, and beyond, their school years. The English curriculum is carefully planned to ensure learning builds on previous knowledge and skills and includes reading, grammar, spelling and punctuation as well as composition of written texts and speaking and listening opportunities.


“Today a reader – tomorrow a leader”

At Wellfield, we understand the importance of fostering a lifelong love of reading. Across the school, children will be exposed to a variety of different authors and genres and be given the opportunity to study different styles and viewpoints, develop empathy through reading and develop as confident and independent readers (see Reading Intent statement)


“The secret to becoming a writer is to write, write and keep on writing”

In English children will be equipped with the tools to write a range of different genres and for a range of different purposes. These tools will include: spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, vocabulary choice and style. They will have the opportunity to write for a wide range of different purposes and investigate different effects on the reader. They will look at a variety of different examples and analyse the choices of different writers and apply these to their own writing (see Writing Intent Statement)

English and the 5Cs


In English, learning builds on prior knowledge and skills, allowing a progression of writing genres and opportunities to deepen skills across and within each year group. Texts and units are linked to topics in other subjects as well as introducing children to new genres and contexts which will be built on throughout their school career (e.g. writing structures are developed from a basic narrative and non-fiction baseline at the beginning of Y5 and built upon to include different perspectives, flashbacks and effects of the reader)


Through the English curriculum, children  are able to develop skills in a variety of written and oral communications which are transferable across subjects. They are taught how to choose the correct form and style of communication relevant to the purpose and audience (e.g. formal communications to an unknown audience and specific choices to suit a variety of audiences)


Through a variety of relevant, interesting and diverse topics children are given the chance to consider different views and perspectives, take risks in their writing choices and experiment with creative ideas.


Throughout the English curriculum, children are exposed to texts which allow them to consider their place in the world and make links with the local, national and international community and events. They have opportunities to present and share their work with local and national audiences and are encouraged to raise awareness of issues to help shape the future through through reading, writing and speaking and listening.


Text choices in the English curriculum encourage children to develop empathy for different cultures and peoples, presently and in the past, and develop an appreciation for the range and diversity of authors and poets that contribute to our countries language and literature.

Long Term Plans

Reading Skills Progression

Writing Skills Progression