Enquiry is made, either by admission (local authority) or by family.
Class numbers are checked and family are contacted by office to inform of space availability.
Family is invited to visit the school, at a time that is convenient, whether during or outside the school day.
If the family are non-English speakers, school will make every attempt to access language support, either through contacts within the school or with the involvement of an interpreter.
Tour of the school is led by Mrs Winter (where available) or Mrs Kemp or Mrs Hawkridge, showing all teaching and learning areas, both in the school building and outside, sharing relevant information and answering questions, as appropriate.
At the end of the tour, should they wish to take up a place, the school will provide the family with the necessary forms to be completed. These would usually include: common application/information form, free school meals form, uniform order and links to the website where attendance/punctuality and other information can be found (parents/carers are encouraged to complete the forms at the end of the visit, to ensure they do not need to be chased up and to allow support with reading, writing or understanding if needed).
Parents/carers informed of a start date by school and what will happen on that day – where to come to, what time, what the child will need, etc.
Should the family have any questions, queries or concerns in the time running up to the child starting, they will be informed to feel free to contact the school at any point – this is an open-ended offer, to all parents, carers and family members of our pupils.
On the day of the child starting, they will be welcomed in either to breakfast club or by their form teacher, who will greet them from the office area. They can be accompanied by a parent/carer at this point.
School will inform the pupil’s previous educational setting that the child has arrived and they can be removed from the school roll. Information will be requested that may be relevant, such as SEND paperwork, Children’s Services documents, etc. and staff from the two settings may discuss the pupil to ensure a smooth handover takes place and that the appropriate provision is in place.
At the end of the first day, the class teacher will provide a brief feedback to the parent/carer, informing of how things have gone