
Science at Wellfield

The aim of the Science Department is to engage and enthuse students’ interest in science –  developing lifelong STEM learners but also developing scientifically literate individuals who are equipped to tackle the issues of the future and make informed decisions from a knowledgeable standpoint.

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge - Carl Sagan

If you cannot explain it simply then you do not understand it well enough - Albert Einstein

I have no special talent I am passionately curious - Albert Einstein

The important thing is not to stop questioning - Albert Einstein

Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated - Rosalind Franklin

At Wellfield we understand the importance of maintaining curiosity, questioning and investigation. We encourage metacognitive talk and dialogue and encourage pupils to pose and challenge theories and justify their ideas using evidence. We also recognise the vital role of purposeful practical work to encourage pupils to be able to TALK, THINK and WRITE scientifically. We explicitly teach tier 2 vocabulary and quizzing and concept checking are commonplace. Using these scientific terms they can write practical methods, compare data or explain a process accurately.  The emphasis is on active, engaging and cooperative learning to enthuse pupils and maintain their interest. 

Teachers at Wellfield know good Science teaching happens when:


  • We build on the ideas that pupils bring to lessons
  • We help pupils direct their own learning 
  • We use models to support understanding of abstract concepts 
  • We support pupils to retain and retrieve knowledge
  • We use practical work purposefully and as part of a learning sequence 
  • We develop scientific vocabulary and support pupils to read and write about Science accurately
  • We use structured feedback to move on pupils’ thinking

Science and the 5Cs


Science learning builds on prior knowledge and skills allowing progression of working scientifically skills and opportunities to deepen their knowledge through studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Units studied are linked to other subjects across the curriculum (e.g  RE, PHSE, Maths, History, Literacy, Geography, PE)

Pupils are reminded about expectations and encouraged to transfer their skills and stick to NON-NEGOTIABLES. (e.g. joined up handwriting, spelling key words correctly, calculations using correct SI units)


Through the Science curriculum pupils are able to develop skills to present data accurately in a variety of ways.   (e.g graphs, tables and charts)

They are also given a wide range of opportunities to communicate their findings from experiments or investigations  (e.g written,spoken,electronic)

Pupils utilise scientific facts and evaluate evidence to inform their decision-making. 

Pupils are encouraged to collaborate and share their ideas with one another in every lesson (Odd one out, Plus, Minus and Interesting, Find someone who, Quiz Quiz Trade)

Pupils are encouraged to question ideas and suggestions and self and peer assess their work using WWW and EBI feedback. Pupils are given the opportunity to respond to their feedback to move them on.


Through open-ended challenging scientific investigation pupils are able to plan their own experiments to solve problems. They also are encouraged to create models to deepen their understanding of abstract concepts.    (e.g. Model molecules of elements and compounds, DNA and cell structure) 

Pupils are also encouraged to engage in the themes of Great Science Share and British Science Week to enrich the curriculum.


We make every effort to enrich the science curriculum using to visits to the the local area.  (Alnwick Garden, Centre for life, Hancock Museum, Newcastle University outreach)

Pupils are also encouraged to engage in the themes of Great Science Share and British Science Week to enrich the curriculum.  

Pupils are also visited by Newcastle University Outreach (STEM ambassadors) to deliver workshops relevant to the curriculum.  

Pupils are also encouraged to complete transition activities from their High Schools.


We study and debate a  range of contentious issues to allow pupils to develop empathy for different cultures and people.

Pupils utilise scientific facts and evidence to evaluate and inform their decision making.  

Pupils are encouraged to see issues from alternative perspectives and provide advice in those roles. 

Pupils are encouraged to form evidence-based arguments to support their viewpoints. 

(e.g genetic engineering, embryonic STEM cell research, evolution, zoos, animal testing,  fast foods, vaccines, Nuclear power, GM Foods, designer babies, IVF, climate change, inherited and environmental variation)

Long Term Plans

Skills Progression