Coronavirus (Covid-19) Updates

Coronavirus Updates

We will be sharing any information or updates regarding the Coronavirus via our school website and text messaging service.

11th September 2020

9th September 2020

3rd September 2020

28th August 2020

North Tyneside Travel Advice

North Tyneside Council have asked us to share this letter regarding travelling to school,  please also view the attached video.

North Tyneside Travel Letter

Safe return to school

27th August 2020

Please read the below letter about arrangements and expectations for September.

September 2020 Expections Letter


PE Days:

5Magpies- Mon & Thurs
5Eagles- Thurs & Fri
5Puffins- Wed & Thurs

6Coquet- Tue & Thur
6Tyne- Thur & Fri
6Wear- Tue & Wed

7Warkworth- Mon & Wed
7Bamburgh- Tues & Wed

8Armstrong- Thur & Fri
8Collingwood- Mon & Fri
8Dobson- Mon & Tue

25th August 2020

Reminder – Dear Parent, please click regarding arrangements for Sept 20.

24th August 2020 Please read this information which has been sent by the police to all schools in NT. There have been NO INCIDENTS in our region as yet, but it is good to be aware.

18th August 2020

Please click re Attendance and re Risk Assessment for Septembers return.

30th July 2020

Dear Parents

There seems to be technical issues with School Gateway and being able to view messages.  Please note if there is something important that needs communicating during the holidays we will also update our website so please check regularly, particularly towards the end of the holidays, when we will send communication out reminding you about our return arrangements.

As the text service and email inbox is not manned on a daily basis, it will take longer to respond to messages.

The message sent out on Monday is below.

Have a relaxing summer break.

Kindest regards

Wellfield Middle School

28th July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers
Can I take this opportunity to thank you all for the many kind words you shared with us throughout the lockdown period. Planning and delivering an education to our students during difficult and ever changing circumstances was a challenge and without precedent. We therefore appreciate your supportive feedback and the home learning anecdotes you shared, made us smile.

Towards the end of the summer holidays we will send out the class lists and timetable for the first week back along with a reminder of expectations with regards to Covid 19. As the majority of our pupils participated in the transition events this will be a reminder rather than anything new. The school is currently having a long overdue redecoration which gives us limited access to the office however please do not hesitate to email us if you have any queries.

Finally, I would like to wish all our school community a very happy summer holiday and I am looking forward to seeing all our pupils in September, ready to start our new academic year.

Best wishes,

Susan Winter

15th July 2020

We can confirm Out of School club will now reopen and provide wrap around care in Sept.

You can contact them on 0191 252 5944 / 07890268333

7th July 2020

Year 6 Transition Information

Each child’s time slot has been sent out via School Gateway / text.

15 June 2020

Dear Parents/Carers


School has been open for nearly two weeks in its current form and I would like to share with you how proud we are of our  year 6 and key worker pupils who have attended school so far.  Our children have accepted the situation  and adhered to the new safety rules in school without any fuss.  Mornings are spent completing their online work and afternoons are engaged in more creative endeavours.


I would also like to thank parents and carers who are following the guidelines to the letter so that we can operate our school as safely as possible.


This morning Mrs Kemp shared with me a message from a Year 8 pupil who had not quite understood the maths task set for that day. The pupils’ message read


                ” Hi Mrs Kemp, if I have another go at today’s maths would you be able to have another look at it when I have finished?”


This message sums up the incredible effort the majority of our pupils are applying to their home learning. Furthermore, Mrs Stephenson has also shared with me the amazing descriptive writing on dystopian fiction her pupils have sent in today.  The majority of our pupils have worked diligently throughout this lockdown period and we should all be very proud of them.


We have noticed recently that some of our home learning children are not completing their work or are sending work that is well below their ability.  This is the minority of students however could we ask that adults do check their work is both complete and is a suitable reflection of their ability.  This quick check will ensure your child’s attainment is not compromised and that they will adapt to the routines of school life on their return in the near future.


Once again thank you for your support and please get in touch if you have any queries.


Many thanks



Susan Winter



12 June 2020

School Trip Updates:


Robinwood / Bushcraft

We aim to process all refunds for Robinwood / Bushcraft within the next 2 weeks.  You will receive your refund in installment amounts, totaling what has been paid. Kindest WMS



Dear Parent/Carers

As you will be well aware Paris Trip 2020 did not go ahead due to the COVID pandemic.  The tour operator for this trip, PGL, has been a difficult company to work with in these circumstances however we have begun the process of reclaiming all of the money paid through the insurance company.

Today, PGL has informed us that this will take at least 5 weeks.  We are making every effort to ensure that this process will be completed as swiftly as possible and we will keep you updated along the way. Information on the repayment method will be shared with you closer to the completion date.

Please contact us if you have any further queries.

Many thanks

Susan Winter

10 June 2020

Need some tips on parenting at this challenging time? Struggling to communicate with your child in a positive way? The Language and Communication Team have created this excellent guide for any parent of 9-13 years olds.


LCT Behaviour Communication Parent Tips

29 May 2020

School will now REOPEN Wed 3rd June for Year 6 /keyworkers pupils whose parents have confirmed a place. Start times to those confirmed will follow. Kindest WMS

14 May 2020

Earlier this week the Prime Minister set out the next steps in the government’s response to Coronavirus. Currently Step 2 will see the phased re-opening of schools in June 2020, beginning with children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Only if infection rates and the government’s other tests at the time allow it.  

We are also being asked by the Department for Education to prepare to open for more children during the course of the final half term.

Our overriding consideration is the safety and well-being of all our students, parents and staff.

We will be using the next two weeks to make sure we manage the process of reopening in a structured, calm manner and that we have all sensible measures in place to ensure our school will be a safe place for your child to return to.

As always, we will be guided by what is published by the government. It is important to note that guidance updates are regular and change.  We therefore ask Parents and Carers for their continuing patience and we will keep you informed as soon as we are confident and satisfied with the surety of the details.

Currently we are awaiting further specific guidance for schools from the Government and this, we hope, will contain updated direction for Middle Schools.

In the meantime we will continue to deliver the pupils home learning timetable through Google Classroom and offer support for any difficulties that arise within our school community.

Thank you for your continued support.

27 April 2020

School Trips update 

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 virus, we are working closely with tour operators with regards to future trips our school has planned.    Government advice on travel is very open ended, and therefore currently trips departing May, June and July  are too far in advance for insurers and tour operators to know if they will be cancelled/not go ahead due to restrictions.

As a result we are unable to refund payments to parents until we have had definite communication from the travel company that the trip is not going ahead.  Once this has been confirmed we will be working together to process refunds to parents.

Confirmation and processing payments may take time but we will do everything we can to make it as swift as possible.

Thank you for your continued support during this difficult time.

2 April 2020

Important Notice

School is available for childcare over the Easter Holidays, Monday to Friday (including Bank Holidays) for CRITICAL WORKERS however we need to know at least the day before.  Please contact school via School APP, email or call 07735333745 to arrange and we will be happy to help.
Keep safe
Susan Winter

20 March 2020



19 March 2020

School Closure & Key Workers arrangements – Letter 19 March 2020

In light of new guidance to schools , can I remind parents and carers of one of the opening statements in the advice:

‘If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.  That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.’

12 March 2020

Wellfield is continuing to monitor the coronavirus situation closely, and is following advice from Public Health England and the Department for Education. The Department for Education’s advice page for schools can be found here: covid-19/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19