Meet the Governors


WellfieldGov4-Alex Giles

Mr A Giles

The Chair of the Governing Body

WellfieldGov6-Lesley Griffin

Mrs L Griffin

The Vice Chair of the Governing Body


Susan Winter


Jenny Hawkridge-1

Jenny Hawkridge

Diane Hill

Diane Hill

WellfieldGov1-Garry Milburn

Garry Milburn


Caroline Kemp

WellfieldGov7-Ian Morton

Ian Morton


Fiona Ford

In the interests of transparency, all schools and academies should publish, including on their website, up to date details of the structure of the governing body and any committees, together with the names of their governors and their particular roles and responsibilities within that structure.  This information is required for each governor who has served at any point over the past 12 months.  They should also publish relevant business and pecuniary interests.  This information must be published in a readily accessible form which means that the information should be on a webpage without the need to download or open a separate document.

Schools and academies should also publish an annual statement setting out the key issues that have been faced and addressed by the governing body over the last year, including an assessment of the impact of the governing body on the school.

Publications of Governors Details and Register of Interests

North Tyneside – Wellfield Middle 2023/24

The Chair of the Governing Body is: Alex Giles

The Vice Chair of the Governing Body is: Lesley Griffin

The Governing Body’s structure and membership is outlined in the table below and within that structure it has the two committees: Business and Statutory and School Improvement.

There are currently vacancies on the Board.


Guidance for schools when completing the above:

The yellow sections can be populated by Governor Services. The green section is available for schools that buy into the Clerking SLA.

Governors are required to report direct and indirect interests on the school’s website a school should obtain the following information from governors:

Ownership or partnership of a company or organisation which may be used by the school to provide goods or services.
Goods or services they offer which may be used by the school.
Any close relationship they have to someone who satisfies either of the above.
Any close relationship they have to someone who is employed by the school or is within the governance structure.
Company directorships and/or charity trusteeships.
Details of any other establishments of which they are a governor, trustee or member.
Indirect interests where they might benefit by virtue of their relationship with a “connected person”. Any circumstances in which a person stands to benefit, even indirectly, is also an interest that must be recorded.

Re. Associate Members

As above, and the website should advise which committees they are a member of and what their voting rights are on those committees.

Please note, in accordance with the Governing Body’s Code of Conduct governors may be suspended for failing to provide the correct details.


The following people have left:

Debbie Cottrell Co-opted 05/07/2017 – 04/07/2021

Andrew Clark Co-opted 05/07/2017 – 23/04/2023

Andrew Bairstow Foundation 08/11/2018 – 07/11/2022

David Darlington Parent 13/07/2018 – 12/07/2022

Peter Vesey Foundation 18/11/2018 – 17/11/2022

Lisa Cook Local Authority 24/03/2021 – 23/03/2023

Governing Board Governance Impact Statement 2023

Governing Board
Governance Impact Statement 2023

1. Governing Board

Wellfield Middle School has a Governing Board of 9 governors, comprising:
∙ Parent Governors x 2 Vacancy
∙ Foundation Governors x 1
∙ Co-opted Governors x 4
∙ Headteacher Governor
∙ Staff Governor 3

These governors bring a wide range of experience and skills. At our most recent
Ofsted monitoring visit (February 2019), HMI found that:

Wellfield Middle School is a ‘Good’ school

The GB operates with a chair and one vice-chair. There are two separate chair
roles for the sub committees. The Chair and vice chair both take on the
committee chair roles with other Governors completing clerking roles, as part of
our approach to building the capacity of the GB.
Our Vision.
– To Bring Equality of Educational Experience to every student in order
to maximise outcomes for all
We aim to:
– Improve curriculum standards through subject development,
assessing and build upon knowledge, forming meaningful links with
– To improve the quality of education, improving the quality of
outcomes across KS2
– Improve the mental and physical health of all groups in our school
community, looking after one’s well being
– Embed a positive school environment whereby commonalities are
valued and nurtured.

In order to carry out this work we:

– work closely with the school staff team
– we establish clear curriculum standards and assessment practices, the school
Governance monitors curriculum standards and reflect on the needs of the
– have six full Governing Board business meetings a year; two in each term, with
an additional workshop to examine data in the Autumn term. Within committee
meetings governors also participate in school self-evaluation meetings with staff.
– work on committees to which the Governing Board has delegated key
areas of responsibility. These meet on a regular basis and report in writing to
the full Governing Board.
– visit the school establishing a positive working relationship, positive inclusive
school environment
– engage in appropriate training
– work on mentoring on an individual need, based on skill sets.

2. Activity & Impact

In the last year, we have:

Fulfilled all of our Safeguarding duties
All Statutory checks have been diligently carried out – including the SCR with our
school development partner and the annual local Authority Safeguarding Audit is
underway. Governors have engaged in both whole – school training and specific
governor sessions.

Reviewed the GB to ensure continued fitness for purpose
The governance has been monitored throughout the year and included a skills audit,
following the full skills audit the Governance structure would be reviewed in the
Autumn term, there will also be the exit and arrival of new governors at the start of
the term.

Prepared and delivered joint reports with key staff covering areas such as
safeguarding; SEN; Pupil premium and PE funding – these areas are evaluated for
impact, to ensure that these resources are being effectively targeted and help pupils
to progress and achieve.

Taken part in staff recruitment
Governors are involved across the range of staff appointments, as we believe that all
staff are integral to the success of the school. The Headteacher and School Business
Manager have carried out Safer Recruitment training. We are very clear that when
we recruit, new staff must have the potential to take us to the next level. Processes
are robust. This year we have made appointments, three KS2 Teachers, ICT
Technician and Teaching Assistant.

Set and monitored challenging targets for the Headteacher
Performance objective set and monitored/supported by the School Development
partner. Objectives are always linked to the school’s priorities and drive

Within school
The school now has fantastic Wall Art throughout the main school building, a bright
informative display of all areas of the curriculum. The school is continuing to
develop wellbeing areas, creating areas of calm for the children and staff to work in.
The school invested in 16 bikes, to introduce into the curriculum and also for the
Coast to Coast challenge that Year 6 children participate in. The school invested in
new PCs for the ICT suite.

Governors have taken part in sessions to understand more about the ‘daily
life’ of school and Accompanied external visits
This includes activities like, the King’s Coronation, Germany trip, Staff Summit visit,
Open Evenings, Victorian showcases, World War II day, David Attenborough Day.
Governors interact regularly with staff and pupils which leads to more informed
discussion in GB and with school leaders.

Platinum School Games Award
For participation and success in sporting competitions. This is the first year Wellfield
Middle School has achieved this, this rewards and recognises engagement in school
games and demonstrates Wellfield’s commitment to PE and Sporting activities.

Gold Quality Mark in Geography
An award that recognises and promotes quality in Geography leadership, curriculum
development and teaching and learning in our school.

Music Mark 2022 – 2023
Celebrating Wellfields commitment of providing a high quality music education.

Rainbow Flag Award
We have now gained the Rainbow Flag Award, which encourages a whole
organisation approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to
effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.

Rights Respecting Schools Award
The award puts children’s rights at the heart of the schools in the UK, to create safe
and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents nurtured
and they are able to thrive. We continue to collect evidence for this award.

3. Budget Management
Governors have helped to ensure that the school budget balances, whilst
maximising resources available for the provision. In most years, there is a small
surplus that governors ensure is spent to the benefit of our pupils. The school
outturns have been committed to school development areas, which are reviewed
during Budget monitoring meetings. The internal financial audit concluded that
the opinion expressed by the Internal Audit gave significant assurance that there
is a sound system of control designed to meet the organisation’s objectives.
Each year, the GB submits a document to the Local Authority by 31 January,
showing that we meet the Schools Financial Values Standard (SFVS). This involves
a process of self-assessment to ensure that all spending and budgeting decisions
are based on prudent and careful housekeeping. It also assists us to ensure our
resources are targeted on our identified priorities. The LA Auditor commented on
this year’s submission:
“I have reviewed the content of your SFVS submission and can confirm that
your comprehensive response comfortably shows enough detail to support each
of the areas.”

4. Governance Improvement Priorities for 2023/2024
Improve Engagement with Partners & Stakeholders
○ Governors to be available and proactive at parent’s evenings
○ Greater interaction with School Council
○ Parent Governor presence at school community events
○ Wellbeing Governor Visits
● Attend curriculum evaluation meetings
● contribute to the priorities of the school development plan through
engagement of the school monitoring programme
● create a Governors action plan to align Governing Body actions with
school priorities
● Meet the Governing Body recruitment targets

Structure of the Governing Body and Committees 2023-2024

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr A Giles and the Vice Chair of the Governing Body is Mrs L Griffin.

The Governing Body’s structure and membership is outlined in the table below and within that structure it has the following committees:

Key Leads SDP 2023/24

Child Protection & Safeguarding – Lesley Griffin

Curriculum – Caroline Kemp (Writing & Maths focus for 2023/24)

Wellbeing (Hub & Spoke) – Lesley Griffin & New School Governor TBC

Environment – Lesley Griffin & New School Governor TBC

Behaviour – Garry Milburn

Health & Safety – Alex Giles

SEND – Lesley Griffin & Fiona Ford

Finance/Pupil Premium – Ian Morton

Safer Recruitment – Lesley Griffin & Caroline Kemp

Policy Readers – Governing Body Members (through The School Bus Portal)

Assigned Governors 2023/24

Places Assigned Training record Governor
Child Protection 2 2 11/10/2017



Lesley Griffin
Health and Safety 2 2 Alex Giles
Lesley Griffin
Performance Management  4 4 20/09/2017





Alex Giles
Garry Milburn
Lesley Griffin
Policy Reader 3 3 Alex Giles
Lesley Griffin
Pupil Premium 2 2
Safeguarding 2 2
Safer Recruitment 5 1 04/02/2019 Lesley Griffin
SEND 2 2
Finance 1 1 Ian Morton

School Development Plan 2023/2024

Details of the Wellfield Middle School 2023/2024 Development Plan to follow.

As a Governor I was proud of all the wonderful young people representing the school on a trip to Paris and Germany.  A number of the public commented on their good behaviour and manners.  For me the highlight was seeing their own personal development over the week in a number of ways including tolerance, care and respect for each other, daily sandwich making, overcoming a fear, managing money just to name a few. Overall it was seeing their confidence grow. 

L Griffin, School Governor.