Special Educational Needs Disabilities

Our Stance on SEND

Wellfield Middle School is built on a family ethos where everybody is important, everybody counts, and everyone is special. We aim to care for and support one another, ensuring all children have the same opportunities, regardless of any additional needs. Our school motto, WE CARE underpins all the work we do in school.


Together we seek to enable all children in our care to achieve excellence in all they do, and also to feel happy, safe, and listened to. Inclusion at our school is about the quality of a child’s experience in school
and how they are helped to learn, achieve and participate fully in the life of the school. We co-operate with, and act on the specialist advice of local authority and health services working with a multidisciplinary
approach to effectively meet a pupil’s needs.


Our SEND representative is Rachelle Whillis rachelle.whillis@wellfieldmiddleschool.org.uk


The Local Offer, which outlines the type of support that is available for pupils at this school and the full Special Needs/Disability policy are available below.

Policy Documents

SEND Policy 2023 – 24

SEND Information Report 2022/23

North Tyneside Local Offer

Graduated Approach

Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service

Contact Details:
Call (0191) 643 8313 or (0191) 643 8317
and ask for Amanda Durrant or Nicola Gregg
from the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
Email: SENDIASS@northtyneside.gov.uk


SENDIASS General Service Leaflet Dec 22